Will of William Boonne (William Bunn) 1582
Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire,
England; Wiltshire Wills and Probates; Reference
Number: P5/4Reg/28C
In the name of god Amen In the yere of o’r Lorde god 1580 I Willm Boonne of
Fordington w’thin the peculiar jurisdiction of Sarum beyinge sicke in body but
p’fct of mynde and memory (thanks be unto almighte god doe ordayne and
make this my last Will and Testament in mann’r and forme followinge, that is
to saye
First I give and bequeth my sowle into the hands of almightie god my heavenly
father maker reedem’ and savior and my body to by buryed in the Christan
buryall of Fordington
Item I give and bequeth unto the Church of Sarum vjd
Item I give unto the poore mens boxe in Fordington one shepe called a pur
Item I give and bequeth unto Margerett Boone my sister xxtie shepe a [ ] of
bees the greatest ten b’z of Mault and two akers of wheate in the fylde one
aker lying in [fo ] and two halfe akers lying att leape crosse?
Item whereas I receyved fyve poundes of my foresayde syster Margarett given
unto her by the last will and testament of my Uncle Roger Zegar deceased my
will is that my foresayde syster shall have dlyvered unto her in full payment of
the foresayde fyve poundes twenty shepe ten yewes and lambes and ten
weather shepe and one aker of wheat lying in marell
Item I give and bequeth unto Elizabeth Boonne my syster ten shillings ten bz of
wheate one aker of wheat lying att Temshale and a ring w’ch is in the custody
of John Segar Junior
Item I give and bequeth unto Agnes Boonne my sister twenty b’z of barley ten
b’z of wheate one Aker of wheate lying att Longe [ ] fower yewes and lambes
one payre of balnketts
Item I give and bequeth to any one of my godchildren a yewe and a lambe a
All the rest and residue of my goods cattalls and debts moveable and
unmoveable whatsoev’ and not before given I five and bequeth unto my
brother Robert Boone whome I doe ordayne and make my whole executor
Item my will is that the parte and porcon whch I have before given unto my
syster Margarett shall remayn and be in the use and custody of my brother
Robert Boonne untill the daie of her marriage
Item my will is that the parte and porcon wch I have before given unto my
syster Elizaebth shall remayne and be in the use and custody of my brother
Robert Boone unto the full ende of two yeres after my decease
Item my will is that the parte and porcon wch I have before given unto my
syster Agnes shall remayne and be in the use and custody of my brother
Robert Boone one whole yere after my decease
Item kast my will is that if any of my foresayde systers shall happen to decease
before the tyme they shall receyve their legaces that then her parte and
porcon so [decessing?] shalbe equelly devided amongst the rest lyvinge
And to this my last Will and Testament I constitue ordayne and make Richard
Prower? And Thomas Eames my oversers amd to take sufficient { ] of my
foresayde brother Robt that the legace before given may be delivered and
payde accordinge to the [ ] of this my Testament
Item Willm Bennett of Stassrde oweth unto me in money v L and ij bz of barley
witnessed hereunto John Sarkinte Richard Zeager [R’gr Keate?] Richard
Prower and Thomas Eames
Probate clause in latin,probate granted 13 January 1581
Admin: Bondsmen, Robert Boone of Fordington, husbandman, Thomas Eymes
of the same, husbandman
Robert Boone, executor.
Fordington An Inventorye of the foods cattells and deatts of William Boone
decessed taken and praysed by Thomas Eames, Richard Prower John Tucker
John Boone and John Sarvannt
twenty sheepe given unto Margartett Boone prise iiij L
two akers of Wheate given unto the same Maraget prise xxx s
ten bushels of malt fiven unto the dame Margaret prise xiij s
one [kettell?] of Brasse given unto the same Margaret prise vj s
ten bushells of wheate given unto Elizabeth Boone prise xxv s
one Aker pf Wheate given unto the same Elizabeth prise xx s
a rynge given unto the same Ellizabeth prise iij s iiij d
twenty bushells of barley goven unto Agnes Bune prise xxvi s viij d
ten bushells of wheate fiven unto the same Agnes prise xxv s
fower yewes and lambs given unto the same Agnes prise xxiiij s
one Aker wheate given unto the same Agnes prise xvj s
one payre of blanketts given unto the same Agnes prise iiij s
iij horses acarte and all things thereunto belonginge prise vij L
Two Akers of wheat prise xxx s
Ten Bushells of wheate prise xxv s
xij bushells of barley prise xvj s
A cubborde prise iiij s
A coverled and all things belonginge to the same bedd prise x s
two fates prise vj s viij d
one swyne prise vj s viij d
his wearing clothes prise xx s
Some totall xxvj L xj s iij d
( certification clause in Latin 6 th February 1581)
Amounts correct? total seems to be £27 1s 4d rather than £27 11s 4d
Note:- Link to an earlier transcription of the Will of William BOONE dated 1580 and image of the Inventory with links to other records on this site.