İTranscribed by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester - March 2012 (inv) and August 2012
Dorset History Centre; References: Ad/Dt/W/1661/17: Da/I/1660-16633
[Also spelt Henrie CORBINE] Dated: 7th November 1645: Proved: After the Civil War on 6th Sep 1661 ![]() ![]() See below for transcriptions in modern English
I Henry CORBIN of Dorchester in the County of Dorset being of perfect mind and memory, for which the Lord be blessed, do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following First: then I commend my soul to the hands of the living God hoping assuredly and believing faithfully that by the merits and death of his son Jesus Christ at the great day of judgement to have everlasting joy and perfect salvation both for body and soul Secondly: I bequest my body to the earth whence it came Item: I give to the poor of the parish of [Holy] Trinity ten shillings to be paid within one month after my decease Item: I give all the residue of all my goods and chattels movable and unmovable of what kind nature or quality so ever unto my wife to have and to hold for ever And: I do also make my said Wife my full and sole executrix of this my Last Will and Testament to pay my debts And: I do request my loving friends Francis BURGE and Phillip STANSBY of Dorchester aforesaid to be my Overseers of this my Last Will and Testament to whom I give twelve pounds a piece to see this my Last Will and Testament performed. In Witness: hereof I the said Henry CORBINE have hereunto set my hand and seal the seventh day of November in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and forty five in the one and twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland Defender of the Faith etc By me Henrie CORBINE Signed sealed and delivered |
NOTE:- Top and bottom of document have sections that are missing --- An Inventory of ye goods and chattels
of Henry CORBIN of Dorchester ---deceased appraised by us ----whose names are here subscribed ---day of October 1654 Item: One table board & 6 joint stooles (i.e. 1 tableboard and 6 stools); one standing bedstead; one trundle bed; one livery cupboard; three old chests; one press; 10 pans & clothes in one old cubboard; two old trunks and two little boxes --we appraised at iijl's vs [£3-5-0d ] Item: One feather bed; two feather bolsters; one lesser feather bed; and two lesser feather bolsters; one pair of sheets; one pair blankets; two old coverleds; -- we appraised at iiijl vs vp [£3-5-5d] Item: One dozaine [dozen] cushions; and an old carpet; -- we appraised at vp [5d?] Item: One Coverled; and a pair of blankets; -- we appraised at xxxs [30 shillings] Item: Two pair of Andirons; kept? with brass; -- we appraised at vjs viijd [6s 8d or half a mark] Item: Two dozaine [dozen] napkins -- we appraised at vs [5 shillings] Item: Two little silver spoons; and two with silver boles [bowls] -- we appraised at vs [5 shillings] Item: Two draft board cloths; fowr [four] cours? board cloths? & twelve napkins; and six pillowtyes; and fowr [four] pilloes [pillows] -- we appraised at xxxp [30 pence] In the Chamber over the Hall: Item: One old standing bedsteed; one old halfbed bedstead; two chest; one old little table; -- we appraised at xxs [20 shillings] Item: Two old feather beds; and two old feather bolsters; one old rug; one blanket -- we appraised at iijl xvs [£3-15s] Item: One pair of old curtains -- at iiijs [3 shillings] Item: One pair of Andirons; tongs; and firepan with brass; -- at vs [5 shillings] In the Gallery:
In the Mide [Middle] Chamber: Item: Thirteen plates and poringers; fowr [four] Chamber Pots; one kandlestick; two old salt sellers; two servers; -- appraised at ?s [? shillings] Item: one old half headed bedstead & trundle bedstead; one old flock bed and coverled; two old blankets-- xvs [15 shillings] In the Chamber over the Parlor: Item: One standing bedstead; one trundle bedstead; one loose (illegible) table board; six joint stooles; two old chairs; two Andirons; -- ?v [?5 shillings] Item: To [two] feather beds ; [Note:- The rest of the bottom page is missing apart from fragments where it also lists:-] One green rugg; two ---, and --- of blankets --- [Note:- Next page also badly damaged with a lot of the edges missing but able to the following:-]
In the Hall: Item: One basing [i.e.basin] and yewr [i.e. ewer]; three brass kandlesticks; six pair of candlesticks; twenty pair of dishes in pantry Item: Fowr [four] brass chargers; three kitles, one skillet and two of brass; one pair of tongs and Andirons; one spit --iijl:vs [rest torn away] [£3-5-?d] Item: Two Iron dogs; 1 pair of tongues [tongs] & firepan; one table board three furmes [i.e. forms] two little stooles three old chargres; one Livery cuppboard -- In the Litle Shop: Item: One brass pann; one table board; three pewter dishes; one pewter cupp --- Item: Old Timbre & Tubbs about the Low roomes --- In the Stable: Item: Hay to the value of xxs [20 shillings] In an Outhouse: [Note:- The rest of the page is missing][As usual the Obligation, or 1st part of the letter of administration, is written in Latin so I have only transcribed the 1st few lines which identify those involved:-] Know all men by these presents that Elizabetham [Elizabeth] CORBIN of Dorchester in the County of Dorset vid [abbreviation for vidua or widow] and Arthur GOULD of Dorchester -- are bound unto Richard MEREDITH archdeacon ---- dated 6th September 1661 The condition of this present obligation is such that whereas the above named Henry CORBIN late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset made and declared his last Will and Testament in writing and therein nominated and appointed the above bound Elizabeth CORBIN to be his executrix who hath proved the said will and taken upon herself the execution thereof, if therefore the said Elizabeth CORBIN shall well and truly perform the last Will and Testament of the said deceased in his behalf performed according to the true meaning thereof and do pay all and singular the debts and legacies of the said deceased in such manner and at such times as respectively they shall be due so far forth as the goods rights credits and chattels will extend and the law charge her that then this present obligation to be void and of none effect or else to stand remain and be in full force and virtue Signed Eliz: CORBIN & Arthur GOULD Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of me Jo: COBB notary public [The oath taken by Elizabeth has also survived although badly damaged - again the 1st section is written in Latin but deals with devolving power to take the oath on behalf of Richard MEREDITH the archdeacon and is endorsed by the Registrar Samuel FITZHERBERT on the 2nd September 1661 and need not detain us here, apart from noting that the text provides clear evidence that the will written in 1645 is indeed that of her late husband as its annexed to the oath. The text of the oath is in English:-] You shall swear that this will by you exhibited and hereto annexed is the last will and testament of Henry CORBIN your late husband deceased so far as you know or believe and that you shall well and truly perform the same; that is to say shall [pay] the [debts] of the deceased which he did owe at the time of his decease; And also [that] you shall make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all the goods [and] chattels and debts of the said deceased which shall come to your possession or knowledge; And do a just accompt of and upon your administration in the same goods Chattels and debts and shall deliver them both into the Registry of the Court [and] you then be thereunto lawfully required or shall offer yourself ------ Elizabeth CORBIN Executrix Relict ---Sixth day in the month of September 1661 John COBB Genealogical Notes:- (2). He married twice 1st to Margaret BOWDEN at HT on 09-Jul 1610 (See marriage for more info) - she was buried HT 27th June 1614. (3). His 2nd marriage was 3 months later to Elizabeth PURCHASE on 05-Sep 1614 who produced 4 more children between 1616 and 1625. Elizabeth was the daughter of Nicholas PURCHASE and is named in her fathers Will. Elizabeth CORBIN nee Purchase was buried at HT on 3rd Dec 1661 |