List of Aldermen of Dorchester (Parts of 1733-1835)[To these entries I have added a few more references to Aldermen and Capital Burgesses appointed under the earlier Charter of James I in 1610. They are taken from "William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635" Published by the Dorset Record Society 1991. M Russell OPC for Dorchester - Also some names extracted from Street Directories as indicated against entries] |
Election of Aldermen[29 Aug 1621 died Mr Richard BAKER, alderman, and in his place was chosen Mr Dionis BOND to make up the number. Source William Whiteway His Diary Page 39] [20 Dec 1621 died Mr John YEATE, one of the Aldermen of this Towne, very old, in whose roome (i.e. in his place) was chosen Mr. John Hill Ironmonger: Source William Whiteway His Diary Page 42] [13 Dec 1622 The 13th hereof died Mr Oliver HAINE Alderman in whose place succeeded Mr John BLACHFORD, sworne 3rd January at sessions. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 49 [Note:- Follow link for more information about the family - also Will of Oliver Hayne, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset proved 4 February 1623 and his pedigree in the Visitation of Dorset 1623 Page 54] ![]() Brass memorial Plaque St Peters Church © Picture by Michael Russell FIPD - Aug 2012 [26th December 1623 died Mr John SPICER Alderman, having been many years in decay, of his understanding. In his roome (i.e. in his place) was chosen in the next sessions Mr James GOULD, Merchant at the age of 30 - William Whiteway His Diary page 56. [Note:- He had been elected as Bailiff of Dorchester in 1608/9 and 1612/13 and named as a Capital Burgess of Dorchester in the Charter James I - dated 26th June 1610] [12 Oct 1625 died Mr Henry WHITTELL one of our Aldermen and Michael HUMFRYS Esquire was chosen in his place 1st November. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 76]
01 Nov 1636 Denis Bond, v Bernard Toope deceased C9 14 Oct 1650 Richard Savage v Mr William Derby. deceased C12 29 Oct 1652 Richard Bury C12 08 Feb 1660/1 Mr James Gould senior v Denis Bond, deceased and to take his place as the eldest Alderman in the town C15 13 Dec 1667 Richard Churchill C15 13 Dec 1667 Robert Napper C15 13 Dec 1667 Arthur Gould C15 13 Dec 1667 Joseph Seward C15 22 Jan 1672/3 William Pitt (sworn) C15 22 Jan 1672/3 Gilbert Whiffen (sworn) C15 11 Sep 1693 John Nelson, v Hugh Baker deceased C7 [Note:- Hugh Baker buried Holy Trinity 5th July 1693] 29 Nov 1697 Max. [i.e. Maximillian] Gollop v Alex Haviland deceased C7 [Note:- Alexander Haviland buried at Holy Trinity Church on 15th Nov 1697. See link for more information about Maximillian Gollop who married Mary Poulsden at St Peters Dorchester 20 Feb 1665/6] 26 Sep 1707 Daniel Arden v Andrew Loder deceased C7 [Note:- Andrew Loder] 26 Sep 1707 Thomas Delacourt v Mr James Gould deceased C7 [Note:- James Gould buried St Peters Dorchester 11th Aug 1707] 15 Oct 1708 Thomas Seward v Thomas Delacourt C7 [Note:- Thomas Delacourt was buried 27 Sept 1708 in All Saints Dorchester and left a Will] 23 Sep 1715 Robert Weare v John Nelson deceased C7 [Note:- John Nelson buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 4th Apr 1715] 05 Oct 1719 Richard Samways v Max [i.e. Maximillian] Gollop deceased C7 [Note:- Maximillian Gollop buried St Peters Dorchester 21st July 1719] 03 Dec 1725 Andrew Purchase v Daniel Arden deceased C7 03 Dec 1725 John Cooper v John Oldis deceased C7 06 Feb 1726/7 Zachary Nelson Gent v Richard Samwayes deceased C7 02 Oct 1727 Samuel Stanning Gent v Robert Weare deceased C7 01 Oct 1733. Daniel Arden vice (i.e. as a substitute for) Josiah Cooper, deceased. [Note:- Josiah Cooper was buried at HT 6th Jan 1728/9] 30 Mar 1835. John Barnet, Esq., v. Thomas Gould Read, deceased. [Note:- Thomas Gould Read a senior Alderman of the borough was buried at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 30 Jan 1835 aged 76 years] The following are shown as Aldermen of Dorchester in Street Directories etc:- 1839 - Christopher Cooper 1839 - Christopher Arden. 1839 - Charles Strickland [Note:- Charles Stickland (1776-1845) who married Maria COSENS at Longburton in Dorset 9th May 1815 and was buried St Peters 12th July 1845] 1865 & 1875 - George Curme Esq. [Note:- George Curme MD (1807-1871) See also 1861 & 1871 Census J.P. Alderman, G.P. and Landowner] 1865 & 1875 - Thomas Coombs Esq. 1865 & 1875 - John Galpin Esq. [Note:- also described in the 1871 Census as JP and Alderman of Dorchester] 1865 - John Ensor Esq.[ Note:- John ENSOR (1800-1870) Grocer Alderman and JP] 1871 Census & 1875 directory- Henry Lock(1815-1880) A Solicitor by trade who was living at 42 High East Street 1875 - T. Coombs ; G.Curme ; J Galpin ; H Lock - See above[Note:- Also in Post Office Directory 1875 as a Borough Magistarte in High West Street; Harrod's Directory 1865 as a Councilman and Borough Magistarte. Robert was the son of Robert Gerard & Ann DAVIS and was baptised at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 21 Feb 1799] Apr 1881 - Robert DAVIS Unmarried aged 82 Magistrate and Alderman born in Dorchester 1889 & 1895 - Alfred Pope 1889 & 1895 - George John Gregory [Note in Kellys directory - retired 1895] 1889 & 1895 - William Durden (1823-1896)
1915 - Stephen Davis [Note:- retire Nov 1915] 1915 - Joseph Whittle Fudge [Note retire Nov 1915] 1915 - George Davis [Note retire Nov 1918] 1915 - Elias William Kerr [Note:- retire Nov 1918] 1915 - James Paine [Note retire Nov 1918] |
Capital Burgesses (1548 and 1565)Form pages 343 and 360 of Municipal Records of the Borough of Dorchester Charter of the Burgesses, made to Owin Hayman in 1555 reciting Letters Patent by Edward VI appointing Captial Burgesses of Dorchester on 1st August 1548 William Palmer and Robert Aden, Bailiffs of the Borough of Dorchester, and John Churchyll, Walter Thomas, John Stratford, Richard Waglon, Richard Perham, William Stone, sen., John Davy, John Corbyn, John Knyghton, William Holman, John Palmer, Nicholas Lymester, Thomas Belton, Morgan Hayne, Mathew Wolffe, John Scotte, Peter Turtyll, and the rest of the Burgesses (reciting that Edward VI., by letters patent under the Great Seal, dated at Lighes, 1st August, second year of his reign [1548], granted to them a burgage and garden now or late in the tenure of Cudbert Stone, on the east side of South Street, between another burgage of theirs on the north and that of Owin Hayman on the south, late belonging to the Fraternity of Blessed Mary of Dorchester, to hold of the King in free burgage), with unanimous assent and consent for £8 sell the same to Owin Hayman, of Dorchester, barber, and his heirs. Warranty. William Stone, jun., and John Howell to deliver seisin. Dorchester, 17th June, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary [1555]. (Cf. 658.) Charter of the Burgesses, made to John Corbyn 1560. Walter Thomas, Nicholas Lymster, Robert Adyn, John Davye, Owin Hayman, John Palmer, Morgan Hayne, John Beriet, John Scot, Paul Robardes, Hugh Gryndham, Luke Adyn, Wlliam Adyn, Peter Turtell, John James, John Symondes, Robert Hunte, William Hayman, Richard Corbyn, and John Chubbe, Burgesses of the Borough of Dorchester, with unanimous assent and consent, and for 40 sh. sell by indenture to John Corbyn, sen., of Dorchester, yoman, and his heirs, their messuage in the parish of Holy Trinity, Dorchester, on the south side of High West Street, between the burgage of the heirs of Robert Holman on the east and that of the Feoffees of the parish church of Netherburie on the west, to hold of the chief lords of the fee. Warranty. William Stone and John Howell to deliver seisin. 20th May, 2 Elizabeth [1560]. (Cf. 667-9.) Capital Burgess recorded in the 1565 Visitation of Dorset John Stratford, John Corbyn, John Palmer, Nicholas Limster, Morgan Hayne, Luke Aden, John Chubb |
Capital Burgesses (Parts of 1610-1829)[Note:- The list of Capital Burgesses is also incomplete.]From page 41 of the Municipal Records of Dorchester The Charter of James I dated 26th June 1610 The first Capital Burgesses and Councillors are to be Henry WHITTELL and Richard BLACHFORD aforesaid, Mathew CHUBB. John GREEN, John YEAT (also see below), John SPICER, James GOLDE, Oliver HAYNE, John GOLDE [GOULD], Richard BARKER, William MILLER, Nicholas VAWTER, Joseph EYRES, John PARKINS and William WHITEWAYE. The said Capital Burgesses and Councillors are to have power to fill vacancies caused by the death or removal - the oath to be taken before a Bailiff; and to elect on the Monday after Michaelmas two of the said fifteen Burgesses and Bailiffs for the year following, to be sworn before the Bailiffs, their predessors, and to fill vacancies caused through death removal. persons duly elected, and refusing to hold office may be committed to the prison of the Borough until they submit to serve, and may be fined, and imprisoned until fines be paid. 1610 John Yeate Clothier of Dorchester and capital Burgess 1610. (Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 184 - Note:- died 20 Dec 1621 replaced by John Hill see below) 1621, Aug. 19. Bernard Toope v. William Horsford, deceased. C4. 1621, Aug. 19. Diones (Dennis) Bond, v. Richard Barker, deceased. C4. 1621, Dec. 27. John Hill v. John Yate, deceased. C4. 1622-3, Jan. 3. John Blatchford, v. Oliver Haine, deceased. C4. 1623-4, Jan. 12. Mr James Gould v. John Spicer, deceased.C4. 1623/4, Jan 26. [Note:- See William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 57 "1624: The 26th January were chosen Burgesses for Dorchester. Mr William Whiteway Senior and Mr Richard Bushrod"] 1624 Oct 14. Henry Whittle one of the Capital Burgesses of this towne was buried (Source Parish register Holy Trinity) 1624-5, 21 Jan. Mr Nicholas VAWTER was remooved from his place of Capital Burgess in regard of his absence, and William WHITEWAY the younger chosen in his place. (Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 68) 1626, Apr 3. This day Michael HUMFREIES died in London. Being one of the Capital Burgesses of Dorchester, and at present one of our Burgesses for the Parliament. In his steed was chosen for Capital Burgesses of Dorchester Mr William Derby upon the 10th April and Burgess for the parliament William WHITEWAY Junior upon the 19th dicto.( Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 81) From page 56 of the Municipal Records of Dorchester The Charter of Charles I - dated 22nd September 1629 The Bailiffs, Aldermen and Capital Burgesses shall be a Common Council to assit the Mayor, with power to make bye-laws, with fines and imprisonment upon delinquents, not repugnant to the laws of England Frances ASHLEY, Knight, John GOULD, Richard Blachford, John PERKINS, William Whitwey Senior, Edmund Dashwood, William JOLIFF, Bernard TOUP, Dennis BOND, John Hill, John BLACHFORD, James GOULD, William WHITWEY Junior; William DERBY and Richard SAVAGE now inhabitants and freemen of the Borough, shall be the first fifteen Capital Burgesses. John PERKINS shall be Mayor, until Monday after Michaelmas next, and for one year after, being first sworn before the present Bailiffs. William JOLIFF and William DERBY shall be Bailiffs. John GOULD, Richard BLACHFORD, John PERKINS, William WHITEWEY Senior, Edmund DASHWOOD and William JOLIFFE shall be the first Aldermen for life or good behaviour, if resident, the said Bailiffs and Aldermen having been first sworn before the Mayor. The fifteen Capital Burgesses shall continue for life, unless removed for bad behaviour or non-residence. They shall assemble on the Monday after Michaelmas yearly, the elect one of the Capital Burgesses to be Mayor, (the Mayor, before executing his office, to be sworn before the last Mayor, or the Bailiffs and Capital Burgesses presnt) and two to be Bailiffs for one year (to be sworn before the Mayor before executing his office). On a vacancy occuring during the year of office another Capital Burgess shall be chosen for the residue of the term. The Mayor shall be removable for bad government, or other reasonable cause. 1630, Oct. 2. William Perkins, v. Mr. John Gould. (deceased) C. 9. [Note William PARKINS was the brother-in-law of William WHITEWAY the diarist] 1631, Apl. 12. John Long, v. Wm. Perkins, deceased. C. 9. [Note:- William Whiteway his diary page 114 for 7 Feb 1630/31 "This day Mr William PERKINS my brother died and Mr John LONG succeeded him in place of a Capital Burgess:] 1632-3, Jan. Richard Bury, v. John Long, deceased. C. 9. 1635, Sept. 18. Henry Maber, v. William. Whiteway, jun., deceased. C.9. 1635, Dec. 26. John Allombrig, v. Bernard Toope, deceased. C. 9. 1636, May 4. Edward Dashwood, v. Sir Francs. Ashley, deceased. C.9. 1639, Aug 28. "In regard to Mr. John Blatchford of the said borough hath been absent from this borough and lived in France about iij (i.e. 3) yeares wherby he could be no service in the place wherto he was chosen. It is ordered that a new choice be made of an other Capitall Burgesse in his placeon Wednesday the iiijth (i.e. 4th) of September next". [Ref C9] 1639, Sept. 4. John Bushrode, v. John Blatchford, who has resided in France for three years past. C.9. 1640-1, Jan. 22. John Seward, v. Williamm. Whiteway, deceased. C. 9. 1640-1, Jan. 22. John Whiteway, v. John Parkins, deceased. C. 9. 1642-3, Feb. 8. Agreed to choose a C.B., v. Mr. Edmund Dashwood, deceased. C. 12. 1651, Oct. 3. Mr. John Brag, v. Mr. William Derby. C. 12. 1652, Aug. 16. Mr. Thomas. Symonds, grocer, v. Richard Blachford, deceased. C. 12. 1652, Aug. 16. Mr. Wm. Patie, clothier, v. Mr. John Brag. C. 12. 1654, Aug. 18. Wm. Patie resigns. C. 12. 1654, Aug. 23. Philip Stansby, v. Mr. James GOULD, removed. C. 12. 1654, Aug. 23. Mr. John Daniel, v. Mr. William. Paty, "his brother," resigned. C. 12. 1654, Aug. 24. Philip Stansby, v. James Gould, removed. C. 9. 1654, Aug. 24. John Daniel, v. William. Paty, his brother, who resigned last week. C. 9. 1655/6 Feb. 15. George Cole resigns. C. 12. 1657, Apr. 13. George Cole re-elected. C. 15. 1657/8, Jan. 18. Frederick. Losse, v. Gilbert Loder. C. 15. 1657/8, Jan. 18. Laurence Righton, v. John Hill. C. 15. 1658/9, Jan. 7. Frederick. Losse, re-elected, it being thought that he had not been duly elected on the last occasion. C. 15. 1660/1, Feb. 8. James Gould, senior. C. 15. 1660/1, Feb. 8. William Twisse , v. Wm. Jolliffe, deceased. C. 15. 1660/1, Feb. 8. Joseph Seward, v. Geo. Cole, deceased. (Refused to be sworn, but was sworn eventually I Oct., 1662.) 1662, Apr. 14. William. Pitt, v. Gilbert Loder, deceased. Sworn 1st Oct., 1662. C. 15. 1662, Apr. 14. Joseph Whittle, v. Richard Bury, deceased. Sworn I Oct., 1662. C. 15. 1662,Oct. 1. Richard Churchill, sworn. C. 15. 1662,Oct. 1. Robert Napper, sworn. C. 15. 1662,Oct. 1. Arthur Gould, sworn. C. 15. 1662,Oct. 1. William Wade, sworn. C. 15. 1662,Oct. 1. Alex. Haviland, sworn. C. 15. 1663, July 15. Gilbert Whiffin. Refused the oath ; fined £15. Sworn 30 Sept., 1664. C. 15. 1663, July 15. Thomas Seward. C. 15. 1664, Sept. 1. Hugh Baker. C. 15. 1666, Oct. 5. Thomas Hall. C. 15. 1668, May 8. Benjamin Gould. C. 15. 1668, Sept. 4. Samuel Bond, Esq., sworn. C, 15. 1668, Sept. 4. Andrew Loder, gent., sworn. C. 15. 1668, Oct. 5. Jasper Samwayes, sworn. Formerly elected. C. 15. 1669, Oct. 1. John Craddocke. C. 15. 1673, Sept. 26. John Symonds. Refused the oath ; fined £50. C. 15. 1673, Oct. 3. John Daniel. C. 15. 1674, July 20. William Twisse. C. 15. 1674, July 20. John Symonds. Refused the oath ; fined ;£100. C. 15. 1674, July 20. Edward Jones. C. 15. 1675-6, Feb. 27. James Gould, Esq., son and heir of James Gould, Esq., decd., vice patris. C. 15. 1676, Sept. 29. Richard Atkins, v. Thos. Hall, resigned. C.15. 1693-4, Jan. 19. John Yeate, v. John Symonds, deceased. C. 7. 1693-4, Jan. 19. George Gould, v. Hugh Baker. C. 7. 1693-4, Mch. 5. Andrew Purchas. C. 7. 1694, Oct. 8. Robert Weare, v. Richard Churchill, removed. C. 7 1694, Oct. 22. Henry Wiffen, v. Hugh Baker, deceased. C. 7. 1694, Oct. 22. John Hodder, v. Thos. Blandford, removed. C.7. 1696, Dec. 23. Richard Samwayes, v. George Lester. C. 7. 1697, Nov. 29. Thos. Sheppard, v. Alex. Haviland, deceased. C.7. 1698, Dec. 12. John Haviland, v. Alex. Haviland, deceased. C.7. 1699, Oct. 2. Joseph Seward, v. John Hodder, removed. C.7. 1701, Sept. 22. George Lester, v. John Hodder, removed. C.7. 1707, Sept. 26. Andrew Purchas, v. John Haviland, deceased. C.7. 1707, Sept. 26. Robert Colson, v. Andrew Loder, deceased. C.7. 1708, May 17. Robt. Swayne, v. James Gould, deceased. C. 7. 1710, Aug. 3. Thomas Knapton, v. Geo. Lester, deceased. C. 7. [Note:- George LESTER Senior was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 12th Nov 1707] 1710, Aug. 3. Josiah Cooper, v. John Yeat, deceased. C. 7. 1710, Aug. 3. Robert Loder, v. Thomas Delacourt, deceased. C.7. 1711, Oct. 27. Robert Colson. C. 7. 1714, July 31. Walter Crow, v. Henry Whiffen, deceased. C. 7. 1714, July 31. George Lester, v. Robt. Swayne, Esq., deceased. C.7. 1714, Dee. 13. John Kellaway, v. Henry Whiffen, deceased. C.7. 1715, Sept. 23. Zachary Nelson, v. Robt. Swayne, Esq., deceased. C. 7. 1718, May 12. Thos. Pitman, v. Robt. Loder, deceased. C. 7. [Note:- Thomas PITMAN (1696-1725) son of Thomas PITMAN (d.1717) ] 1718, May 12. Nieh. Weare, v. John Nelson, deceased. C. 7. 1719, Nov. 6. Samuel Snooke, v. John Nelsbn, deceased. C. 7. 1719, Nov 6. Samuel Standing, v. Max [i.e. Maximillian] Gollop, deceased. C.7. [Note:- Maximillian Gollop buried St Peters Dorchester 21st July 1719] 1722, Aug 21. Daniel Arden, jun., v. Samuel Snooke, deceased. C. 7. 1724, July 20. John Woolmington, v. DanielArden, sen., deceased. C. 7. 1724, Nov. 27. Walter Crowe, gent., v.Robt. Colson, deceased. C.7. 1726, Feb. 6. Robert Fildew v. Richard Samways, deceased. Certificate of the Election of Capital Burgesses (25), B. 50. 1726, Feb. 6. Robert Loder v. John Kellaway, deceased. Certificate of the Election of Capital Burgesses (25), B. 50. 1726, Feb. 6. Nicholas Weare v. Thos. Pitman, deceased. Certificate of the Election of Capital Burgesses (25), B. 50. 1726, May 13. Laurence Snooke, v. John Oldis, malster, deceased. C. 7. + Certificate of the Election of Capital Burgesses (25), B. 50. 1726, May 13. Reynaldo Knapton, malster, v. Thomas Knapton, malster, his father, deceased. C. 7. + Certificate of the Election of Capital Burgesses (25), B. 50. [Note:- Renaldo Knapton (1692/3 son of Thomas Knapton & Grace Mitchell bap All Saints 20th Jan 1692/3] 1729, Jan. 6. Richard Cooper, v. Robt. Weare, deceased. C. 7. 1729, Jan. 6. Robert Gundry (d.1750), v. Josiah Cooper, deceased. 1735, June 5. George Cooper v. Laurence Snooke, deceased. C. 27. 1735, June 5. Thomas Loder v. Richard Samways. C. 27. 1735, Jun 9. George Cooper v. Richard Samwayes.[Ref B.49] 1735, Jun 9. Thomas Loder v. Lawrence Snooke. [Ref B.49] 1740, Feb 5. Thomas Cooper. C. 27. 1740, Feb 5. William Bryer. C. 27. 1743, Nov. 3. John Channing v. Walter Crowe. C. 27. 1743, Nov. 3. John Pitman v. Samuel Stanrdng (Stanning). C. 27. 1748, Jun 10. George Arden v. Thomas Loder. C. 27. [1748, June 10. Samuel Stanning v. Robert Fildew, deceased. C. 27.] 1752, Oct. 2. Francis Purchase v. Robert Gundry (d.1750), C. 27. 1752, Oct. 2. James Chaffey v. Robert Loder. C. 27. 1755, Jul. 7. William Templeman. C. 27. 1755, Jul. 7. William Davis, apothecary. C. 27. 1755, Jul. 7. John Nelson, mercer. C. 27. 1755, Sep. 29. Agreed that a case be prepared and laid before our Eminent Counsel for his opinion on the eligibility of William Churchill Esq as a Capital burgess of the said Borough, he being an inhabitant of Colliton [Ref C27] 1761, Oct. 9. Robert Lambert v. John Nelson. C. 27. 1761, Oct. 9. Richard Cozens, mercer, v. Thomas Cooper. C. 27. 1768, Feb. 26. Walter Nicholls v. Richard Cooper. C. 27. 1768, Feb. 26. Morgan Yeatman v. William Bryer. C. 27. 1769, Oct. 2. Robert Lumley Kingston. C. 27. Certificate of the Election of Capital Burgesses (25), B. 50. 1775. Oct. 2. John Floyer, Esq. C. 27. 1776, Mch. 22. Edward Cozens. C. 27. 1776, Mch. 22. William Gundry . C. 27. 1776, Mch. 22. Robert Willis. C. 27. 1782, Mch. 21. John Gollop, Doctor of Physick. C. 27, 1782, Mch. 21. Robert Stickland. [Note:- Robert STICKLAND (1744-1804)] (Stafford) 1782, Sep. 29. Sir- As I am no longer resident in the Borough of Dorchester I beg leave to resign the place of Alderman or Capital Burgess in the Corporation, and am Sir, Your very humble servant J Floyer. C.27. All the following are also recorded in C. 42a. 1793. Sept. 11. Christopher Arden.. 1793, Sept. 11. Charles White. [Note:- Alderman 1793-1813:- Brief mention in the Taunton Courier for 24th June 1813 stating that 'Charles WHITE alderman died Dorchester - he was actually buried in St Peters Church on 21st] 1793, Sept. 11. George Churchill, Esq. 1793, Sept. 11. John Templeman. 1794, July 22. James Chafy [Chaffey] , Esq. 1801, Oct. 5. William Bower. 1801, Oct. 5. James Gould Read. 1801, Oct. 5. Christopher Cooper, M.D. 1801, Oct. 5. John Callard Manfield. 1801, Oct. 5. Nathaniel Stickland, [Note:- Nathaniel STICKLAND (1770-1829) son of Robert STICKLAND (1744-1804) and Jane MITCHEL (1744-1822)] 1806, July 10. Robert Pattison. 1809, May 8. Christopher Arden., junr. 1809, May 8. Charles Stickland [Note:- Charles Stickland (1776-1845) who married Maria COSENS at Longburton in Dorset 9th May 1815 and was buried St Peters 12th July 1845] 1809, May 8. George Stickland. 1814, Oct. 3. Thomas Bower. [Note Thomas BOWER (1778-1842) 4th son of James BOWER (1740-1795) born at Lothwihiel Cornwall by his wife Elizabeth ELIOT and nephew of William BOWER (1746-1829) of Dorchester] 1814, Oct. 3. Morgan Yeatman, 1824, Feb. 20. John Barnet. 1824, Feb. 20. Joseph Clapcott. 1829, Apl. 16. Thomas Coombs. 1829, Apl. 16, William Denning Tapp, surgeon. 2 G |